Would someone tell the bigshots at ESPN, a lot of us are tuning in to ESPN more than we would otherwise because we DON'T want to see all the Obama garbage from the DNC convention. If ESPN is going to go into this business, what are John McCain's sporting interests even if it's croquet. I don't ever recall a story about President Bush and his love for baseball or experience as a Texas Rangers owner.
Hooray, hoorah, Stuart Scott interviewed the chosen one, to reveal that Doctor J. was his boyhood favorite player and if he were picking an athlete as a running mate, he'd pick "a Chicago guy"... Walter Payton or Michael Jordan. If the White Sox played the Cubs in the World Series, he'd support the White Sox. He even took a little bit of a swing at Cubs fans!!! More proof the guy's a world class ass!
That ESPN has now gone from their weekly magazine as a blatant attempt to promote Obama with a feel good story to now putting him front and center on SportsCenter shows just how far the infotainment community is going to promote the worst major candidate for President easily since George Wallace, who ran as an independent in 1968.
Supposedly Jon Bon Jovi and Bruce Springsteen will be a big part of the Invesco Field specticle on Friday.
ESPN should be ashamed of themselves for shamelessly promoting Obama, free advertising with no attempt to put the story of his persona in any perspective. It's an adoring fan piece just like something dedicated to a retiring athlete or up and coming star. Well, it was ESPN who unleased Keith Olbermann, the worst person in the wooooorrrrlllddd on us, and if there's a blowhard on the planet who could rival Joe Biden, it could be, it might be, it is -- Chris Berman!!!
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