The Looney Left is at it again….
Barbara “Bitch” Boxer
First, we’re going to call Senator Barbara Boxer what this unfortunate general could not, “Bitch!” Oops, now we’ve done it, we do not mean to offend any dog lovers who have female boxers at their pets. In testimony, Madame Boxer was offended that she was addressed as ma’am not Senator, and that’s disrespectful?
Barbara “Bitch” Boxer
First, we’re going to call Senator Barbara Boxer what this unfortunate general could not, “Bitch!” Oops, now we’ve done it, we do not mean to offend any dog lovers who have female boxers at their pets. In testimony, Madame Boxer was offended that she was addressed as ma’am not Senator, and that’s disrespectful?
To make matters worse, Boxer-bitch took a swipe at the General indicating she had worked hard to earn the title of Senator. Woo-hoo, and how many people did she stab in the back and abuse to get there? We will assume the General performed with far greater distinction and worked much harder than a shameless bitch who rode special interest support into the Senate.
We would consider the offense to be this arrogant, pompous Senator’s hectoring, condescending attitude to a member of the military who protects her freedom and power whether she is pro-military or a whacked-out far left idiot.
Warning, this will make your blood curl…. (from Politico.com) One might want to pull the Rolling Stones’ album, Sticky Fingers, off the shelf and play track six very loud in response to this.
Let’s get something straight for Ms. Boxer. She might have a captive audience she can brow beat to death on Capitol hill, but out in the world at large, we’re going to exercise our first amendment freedoms and call her what she truly is mindful we are dog lovers.
Respect is earned not conferred. Bitch Barbara is a petty, self-serving, egotistical elitist who continuously shows contempt for her fellow humans who don’t bow down and kiss her butt unconditionally. Only California could give America both Boxer and Pelosi.
Bill Maher
We couldn’t help thinking during the David Letterman scandal for his demeaning, sexist attacks against the Palin family, Alex Rodriguez, and flight attendants, we haven’t heard from Bill Maher recently. If anyone can come up with something more insulting and further out of left field, Maher will come through with flying colors.
Bill Maher just defined his perspective on the political landscape and where things stand on the left/right axis. One might infer that he would think Vladimir Lenin would be considered a mainstream centrist in Maher’s book.
Here are video segments and text to show how one of the left’s most bitter, “way out there” mouthpieces sizes up American politics as it races like a runaway train toward Socialism thanks to the Obama administration.
Can anyone explain Maher’s irrational hatred of Christians? In his world, Christians are mindless little people who are barely worth his effort to talk down to. In response to Maher’s religion bashing movie, wouldn’t it be fun to do a counter production beginning with Maher’s appointment at St. Peter’s gate? Who’s sorry now, Billy?
Bill Maher is a great argument for cable and dish TV subscribers to save a few bucks and cancel HBO.
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