Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Clear Message to Comrade Obama: Keep Your Hands Out of Other's Pockets, You Bastard

If you don't think Obama is attempting to push the United States into socialism you're fucking crazy. Just that the topic would come up for discussion in the office of the President of the United States is going way too far, but that it could be actionable is far more disturbing.

The administration is seeking oversight on executive salaries far beyond those receiving "TARP" funds, possibly all publicly traded companies. The conversation starts with "oversight" but how quickly does that become regulation.
It's not Barack Obama's business how much money any executive, worker, or what any of us make beyond what we must disclose on our tax forms. We are a free enterprise economy where business is business and government is government. If a business is functioning legally and making a profit, the government should be as supportive and nonevasive as possible as such enterprises are the backbone of our society not the Federal government.
If folks don't want Obama to fail and fail miserably, maybe they need to take a good look at what it really means to be American and what it takes to make America succeed, why the United States has been the world's leading economy, but in Obama-nation, the key term could be "has been" as our success cannot sustain itself when the Federal government is taking a greater and greater share of the GNP and wage earners on all levels are paying more and more for the Feds to screw us.

At least if you read what we wrote before the election, don't say we didn't see this coming but we didn't think he'd be bold enough to let the dialog go this far.

It is our duty as Americans who believe in the free enterprise system to do everything we can to destroy the Obama administration and see that they are given the bum's rush in the next election.
At least Obama can rest assured his income limits would never affect George Soros. First, that creep has made his millions. Second, his assets are overseas.

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