Saturday, July 17, 2010

NAACP Wants Neverland Ranch to be State Park?

What more craziness can come from this year's NAACP convention? First they attempted to coerce the Tea Party into admitting they have a problem with racist elements, now they propose Michael Jackson's mecca to child molestation, Neverland, should be a State Park. Gee, California has money for that don't they?
California assembly representative Mike Davis has introduced legislation which the NAACP has passed a resolution in support of to make the property, a celebrtion of excess and the fantasies of a demented, tortured mind, a state park. Meanwhile, under California's self-induced budget crisis, the state is struggling to operate the parks already in service.
While some will argue Michael Jackson has not been convicted of child molestation, there's no question that some families that could have pressed charges have become very wealthy for maintaining their silence.
The NAACP is quickly becoming a totally irrelevant freak show with their recent actions. Clearly they must not be able to articulate any issues of substance when they're getting all excited about a palace for perverts.

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