Friday, July 23, 2010

F-Bombs Galore -- No Way to Fight BP and the Miserable Response to the Gulf Oil Disaster

How can any rational, caring person not be mad as hell about what is happening in the Gulf of Mexico thanks to BP’s oil platform, one which was poorly managed, did not meet standards, and was not properly inspected, exploding gushing millions of gallons for 90 days into the water fouling vital sea resources, fishing areas, coastline and marshes from Texas to Florida? Fishermen, those who serve tourists, the seafood industry, oil rig employees and many other citizens have had their livelihoods interrupted or destroyed. The mess will cause damage that will last long enough it might as well be considered permanent.

BP has revealed itself to be the ultimate definition of a self-serving, irresponsible corporation with no regard for the environment and the consequences of its actions. The Federal Government, through the Obama administration, has not provided oversight or leadership preferring to cast blame and politic obviously reflecting on the total lack of leadership ability and lack of experience of Barack Obama himself.

The whole United States is suffering from pent-up anger, but surely, some means of expressing it even if such expression is supposed to support good causes goes too far.

We call attention to They introduce themselves as “A CHARITY “F-BOMB-A-TON” CLEANING UP THE GULF… ONE DIRTY WORD AT A TIME.

Load up the website and be greeted with a video that is loaded with f-bombs, one character after another launching tirades loaded with f-bomb after f-bomb and other filthy words that could even make a New York cab driver blush. Two of the characters are children. One appears to be elementary school aged, the other probably in middle school. Great: it’s someone’s bright idea to show kids scream FUCK???

They then ask viewers to buy a $13 tea-shirt and choose a charity to get the profits including Greenpeace, Earthjustice, and others. They also sell one dollar pins and two dollar stickers with the “UNF—K THE GULF” message. Their “about us” reveals the site to be the work of Nate Guidas and Luke Montgomery. Guidas reports to be an environmental activist and educator who runs a website Montgomery reports to be a fundraising and media strategist who works with non-profits who want “to make a bigger impact and change the world.” He runs a website

Make no mistake, while BP is financially and morally responsible for correcting the damage done, there will be expenses the company will never touch. Folks will need all kinds of help. Those interested in helping must do their own due diligence to be sure their funds go to organizations that help the disaster victims and are not disguised as such but truly radical environmental and far-left advocacy groups.

We are offended by Unfuck the Gulf effort and are alarmed they’d find it acceptable to have f-bomb wielding children in their presentation. The events of recent weeks have helped demonstrate the deterioration of civility in our society, and folks who surf the web particularly social networking sites see how casually an abbreviation, WTF, as in “what the fuck” is used in regular Internet conversation.

Hopefully, our concerns will be heard and folks will show outrage. Way too often folks are quick to just let it slide. We have to be willing to take a stand when our sensibilities are outraged and Right-minded Fellow is outraged.

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