We think so but there are a lot of other
things we'd like to call him too!!!
The debate whether Barack Obama is a socialist is one hot topic on political talk shows but how fruitful is this debate? Is it much ado about nothing; too little, too late; political demonizing or something else? Does it all even really matter?
Let’s unwind this topic and make some sense out of it. Surely those who watch Fox News programming probably have their heads spinning after the last few days of discussions on the O’Reilly Factor as the usually brilliant commentator seems to have some obsession of not wanting to cross the line and concede that Obama truly is a socialist. He seems to be bending over backwards in some desire to be seen as fair and open-minded not to be lumped in with the broad spectrum of conservative pundits, but especially after Tuesday night’s program, he’s really beaten a dead horse to death. We surely aren’t going to entertain anything stable mate Glenn Beck has to say on the subject. The paranoia and apocalyptic nonsense is too much to consider seriously. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Dick Morris appear to follow the more prevalent conservative view that Barack Obama truly is a socialist.
We consider Obama a socialist and established his credentials from early in the Democratic primaries. Whether it was his education and comments he made about his influences, his associations with figures like William Ayers, his voting record in the Senate leading to his being identified the most liberal senator, the myriad of radicals he has appointed to his administration, or the overall direction of his policies and political instincts, Barack Obama uses old Chicago style big city machine politics as a means to push an agenda which invokes government influence and control over more aspects of out lives than ever before while exerting far more regulation and authority over business. His vision on health care, banking, and corporate governance are all most consistent with the leftwing of the British labor party or the socialist parties in France, Germany, and Italy. While this might not be socialism in its fully developed state where the government owns the means of production, a manipulated public ownership market with heavy government regulation with government bailout money and direct input on governance is at least socialistic from a functional standpoint. One of the key essential platforms of socialism is the Marxist creed, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” is lurking in the background of the President’s orientation to virtually all political issues and he has made no apologies for seeking wealth redistribution.
Surely, there are responsible ways to argue Barack Obama is not a Socialist. He surely is one who is a statist believing in a powerful central government which is involved in all facets of a person’s life. These kinds of debates can go on forever, but does the obsession for finding the right descriptive label for Barack Obama really accomplish that much? If people understand the dangers of socialism and see their President as a socialist, then perhaps they would more actively fight his attempts to advance his agenda. Call him what you will but concentrate on his policies and actions. That’s where the action is. For our purposes, though it would never be repeated on the news media, we see him first and foremost as a thin-skinned, self-absorbed asshole. We hope you do to. However, imagine one of the panelists on a TV political show said such. It would be the lead story on the news for at least a week while the person who uttered the unvarnished truth is ritualistically and systematically destroyed never to have a spot on the “polite” media again.
We need to stop worrying about labels and put all effort on arresting the advancement of Obama policies. Haven’t most people seen enough evidence that the kind of government seizure of the private medical industry would have all kinds of disastrous implications for all of us? His radical environmentalism and almost religious faith that global warming is a monolithic threat brings forth the outrageous “cap and trade” or “cap and tax” programs as the most onerous aspect of environmental policies that are much more punitive and less incentive and technology oriented toward improving air and water quality. His outlook toward the judiciary radically rejects firm application of the United States Constitution in favor of highly interpretative and ideologically based philosophy which broadens the grasp of the court to reshape society where the legislative process has failed. At some point our culture must find a way to thwart out of control judicial activism that has no constitution base for its pronouncements.
The task ahead is to identify, study, learn, communicate, and fight Obama administration initiatives. His stated goal to transform America must be stopped dead in its tracks. With each issue as it reaches the floors of Congress for consideration, we must speak up loudly and forcefully and take the fight right to them. We must identify and support new leaders who can be elected this coming November and work on building momentum for the ultimate goal, Obama’s exit from the White House in the 2012 elections.
The tide has turned. It started in town hall meetings across the nation last summer. In November, Virginia and New Jersey tossed out Democrats as governors. Then this past month we acheived the big prize, electing a Republican, Scott Brown, to the Senate from Massachusetts taking the seat that had been held by Ted Kennedy foThese victories were not achieved by screaming and shouting that the Democratic candidates were socialists, it was holding up what their policies were and showing better alternatives.
One additional point, focusing too much on trying to stick the Socialist label on Barack Obama totally escapes two big problems – his total incompetence based largely on absolutely no experience outside of the academic and legislative world and his absolute weakness responding to the threat of International Terrorism. Look at the silly ways they wanted to get rid of talk of “terrorism,” “terrorists,” or “war on terror.” Consider the efforts to try KSM in New York Federal court rather than military tribunal. Look at the awkward and confusing way they responded to the unsuccessful attempt to blow up an airliner in flight over Detroit on Christmas day.
While it might make for a lively on going debate, what’s important is not whether the label Socialism fits Barack Obama. What matters is fighting every policy, appointment, and action by the Obama administration which increase the roll of the Federal government, enslaves the economy through greater and greater deficits, all things great and small that will thwart the Obama vision to transform America. Understanding what Barack Obama means transforming America means makes the battle lines clear for the fight ahead. We must FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT until the job is done. We love our country and have benefitted from its greatness way too much to surrender to this radical fraud of a President.
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