President Barack Obama declined an invitation to address the 77th Annual Conference of Mayors to avoid crossing a picket line by Providence, Rhode Island firefighters protesting a contract provision seeking contribution to their health insurance, a fact of life for millions of employees who have employer provided health care. Not only did the President not attend, but the administration offered no surrogates to represent the administration.
On thing that is absolutely consistent about the Obama administration, its unqualified support for organized labor on every front whether it is stiffing the nation's mayors for their annual meetings, his support for the outrageous anti-democratic "card-check" provision, or the numerous concessions to the United Auto Workers in the Chrysler and General Motors financial settlements giving the unions a majority share of the industries they were culpable in destroying. Further, legitimate stake holders, those owning company bonds, were railroaded from what would have been entitled to them by law by standard bankruptcy law bumping the unions ahead of them in who gets what.
Labor has been in decline for decades and America has been better off as a result. Sadly, in just five months, Barack Obama has almost completely undone all the progress made to contain labor union abuse since Ronald Reagan exercised the kind of leadership required when he fired striking air line traffic controllers who were forbidden by law to strike.
There is nothing good for average American working people from Obama's pro-labor approach. Meanwhile, successful companies that provide value for millions of Americans such as WalMart are clearly targetted to use new laws to accomplish what unions have not been able to accomplish through fair and legitimate means.
Public employee unions represent even a bigger threat since there is no segment of the economy the current regime seeks to grow more than the public sector. To that goal, his stiffing America's mayors speaks volumes of whose more important between elected leaders who have many concerns to address on the Federal level to corrupt special interest groups who serve as the rock solid foundation for the President's political base.
Perhaps taxpayers should form a picket line around the White House and dare the President to cross the line.
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