Ten of the nation's most outspoken conservative women viciously assaulted by wicked sadistic left-wing writer in Playboy.
What is a “hate fuck?”
RAPE is the only answer.
What does it mean when a popular magazine allows a posting encouraging “hate fucks” against a list of ten conservative women?
Such publication is an outright assault on those women, an act of a sick, wicked mind driven by hatred and a preposterous notion of women who appear to exist as nothing more than objects of fantasy dripping from the recesses of a demented sinful mind.
RAPE is the only answer.
What does it mean when a popular magazine allows a posting encouraging “hate fucks” against a list of ten conservative women?
Such publication is an outright assault on those women, an act of a sick, wicked mind driven by hatred and a preposterous notion of women who appear to exist as nothing more than objects of fantasy dripping from the recesses of a demented sinful mind.
This would seem like regular material for the lowest form of trash, Larry Flynt's, Hustler, but this vicious hate fantasy was the property of Playboy.
The “hate fuck” fantasy provides more evidence of how low the entertainment business will go. Contrary to any pronouncements to the contrary, the heart of the radical left wing values that permeate the entertainment industry are grounded in hate, intolerance, perversion, and crass hedonism.
Author Guy Cimbalo writes:
Obama promised us the dream of post-partisanship—a cuckoo land where party affiliation and factional animosity were forgotten. Turn on cable news or open any newspaper, however, and you’ll quickly discover that the dream has yet to materialize. But there is a way to reach across the aisle without letting principles fall by the wayside. We speak, naturally, of the hate fuck. We may despise everything these women represent, but goddammit they’re hot. Let the healing begin.
If reading words like that don’t make you angry, what’s wrong with you? This is loathsome beyond expression, but in many ways, it’s the logical conclusion of a lot of the demeaning, I’m better than you are, thought that pervades the radical left especially among the entertainment industry where civility and restraint are hard to find. Take Janeane Garfalo’s comments about Tea party demonstrators, for instance, accusing them as “racist.” While fantasizing about rape and calling someone a racist are moral crimes of different character, they both embrace a fundamental cruelty and contempt for people who hold views different than their own. They dehumanize and strip their intended targets of their dignity.
In researching this story, something very disturbing arose, my Google search revealed far more postings dealing with the subject were ones that endorsed this atrocity from people who agreed with this heartless pervert’s passions. Some added more names to the list or suggest more things they’d like seen done to conservative women they revile.
The target list of the sadistic rape fantasies provide a who’s who of some accomplished and dynamic ladies in the public eye:
1-Michelle Malkin – Author, outspoken commentator, writer, and blogger. President/CEO of Hot Air, a “conservative Internet broadcast network.”
2-Megyn Kelly – News anchor and commentator, Fox news; lawyer; former reporter, WJLA, channel 7, Washington, DC.
3- Mary Katherine Ham – Journalist, columnist, and blogger for the Weekly Standard; Fox News contributor.
4-Amanda Carpenter – Author, columnist for The Washington Times; Media critic; contributor to numerous news-talk programs; “Internet Cop” on “The O’Reilly Factor.”
5-Elisabeth Hasselback – television personality; the alternative voice on ABC’s hit “woman’s issues” show, “The View.” Wife of NFL Quarterback, Tim Hasselback
6-Dana Perino – former White House Press Secretary for George W. Bush; current news commentator; public relations counselor for multinational corporation.
7-Laura Ingraham – lawyer, author, syndicated talk show host on major stations nationwide; frequent contributor to “The O’Reilly Factor”; former Supreme Court law clerk for Justice Clarence Thomas; Speech writer for Ronald Reagan; Breast cancer awareness spokeswoman
8-Pamela Gellar – founder, Atlas Shrugs.com, a conservative website, commentator, radio personality
9-Michele Bachman – United States Congresswoman, Minnesota; education reform activist
10-Peggy Noonan—Columnist for Wall Street Journal; author; former Speech Writer for Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, including work on Reagan’s speech after Space Shuttle Challenger explosion.
Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter, and Carrie Prejean ARE NOT on the list!!!!
These ladies are all independent, outspoken, bright, and decidedly conservative. Look them up on the Internet and find a tremendous clutter of sites posting hatred, sick fantasies, and pure verbal abuse of these figures. Common themes of many of their critics are efforts to degrade them in vulgar and hateful ways that have nothing to do with attempting to refute their points-of-view.
Should anyone disagree with the substance of what these ladies have to say, “Let’s get ready to rumble.” Present your views, and be ready for these ladies to respond. I’d suggest one better be prepared and have plenty of fortitude to do so. From different points-of-view, each one of them contributes a unique voice on a wide range of issues and topics.
This horrific presentation presenting rape fantasies or “hate fucks” toward these ladies should be something that must immediatelystir up harsh condemnation, and thankfully many voices including many Liberals have spoken up against one of the sickest expressions ever to elevate to such a height in a major publication. In one instance, Playboy, long seen as the soft side of the skin trade showing restraint and avoiding the kind of sadistic fantasies prevalent in publications like Penthouse, has now put itself right in the mainstream of the pure sleaze represented by Hustler, but can it be that Hustler is becoming more mainstream? God let’s hope not, but clearly the “hate fuck” concept is exactly the kind of thing that Hustler mogul, Larry Flynt, maybe the darkest, most morally corrupt figure in the entertainment industry, would gleefully publish in his trash magazine.
Some voices are conspicuously silent. Where are the prominent, so-called women’s groups? Shouldn’t the National Organization of Women be protesting in loud, clear terms that Playboy’s published “Hate Fuck” segment is absolutely out-of-bounds? To what extent have various news sources presented this story followed by appropriate commentary condemning it? The self-appointed voice for women was likewise conspicuously silent when sick rapist fantasies and other abusive smears were directed at Ms. California, Carrie Prejean, after her remarks defending traditional marriage.
This hateful situation demands action. First, if anyone still finds Playboy has anything to offer, the cultural relic it has become, it is time to boycott purchasing the magazine and cancelling subscriptions. It’s time to take on the convenience stores and other retailers who sell Playboy and ask them to remove it from their shelves reminding them that they have competitors who do not sell it. Surely, if these same vendors sell Hustler, a little more action might be required as this kind of material is routine in their sleazoid publication.
As conservatives, independent thinkers, Libertarians, Constitutionalists, and people of faith, we must condemn the objectification of women and realize that the sexual experience is an act of love between committed lovers not a commodity and surely not a weapon of anger. We see sexual expression being forced upon girls of younger ages all the time considering Britney Spears originally targeted her product at the young and preteen audience. A decade later, check out the products targeted to children that age, and draw your own conclusions.
Guy Cimbalo is the lowest form of scum our society has to offer. If there ever was such a thing that defined hate speech, his “hate-fuck” characterizations would be the ultimate example, but you don’t hear conservatives calling for “hate speech” legislation. That belongs to the left to criminalize speech on political grounds. Only “people of _______” or “___________-Americans would qualify. The hypocrisy of the mainstream media, a subsidiary of the entertainment industry is overwhelming and when left unchallenged, Guy Cimbalo’s hateful display is the logical result.
The “hate fuck” property of Playboy, represents the absolute lowest form of leftist political expression to leech into the mainstream. Megyn Kelly responds to the attack directed at her and her fellow violated sisters quite effectively, we’ll let her sum up this atrocity.
While we defend the right to free speech as part of the First Amendment, a person is responsible for the outcome of his speech. Guy Cimbalo will have hell to pay for this one. We must all work together to be sure he does not get off as similar hate mongers have in the past. As civil-minded citizens of the United States we hereby charge Guy Cimbalo with verbal assault, inciting gang rape, defamation of character, and sexual perversion.
The “hate fuck” fantasy provides more evidence of how low the entertainment business will go. Contrary to any pronouncements to the contrary, the heart of the radical left wing values that permeate the entertainment industry are grounded in hate, intolerance, perversion, and crass hedonism.
Author Guy Cimbalo writes:
Obama promised us the dream of post-partisanship—a cuckoo land where party affiliation and factional animosity were forgotten. Turn on cable news or open any newspaper, however, and you’ll quickly discover that the dream has yet to materialize. But there is a way to reach across the aisle without letting principles fall by the wayside. We speak, naturally, of the hate fuck. We may despise everything these women represent, but goddammit they’re hot. Let the healing begin.
If reading words like that don’t make you angry, what’s wrong with you? This is loathsome beyond expression, but in many ways, it’s the logical conclusion of a lot of the demeaning, I’m better than you are, thought that pervades the radical left especially among the entertainment industry where civility and restraint are hard to find. Take Janeane Garfalo’s comments about Tea party demonstrators, for instance, accusing them as “racist.” While fantasizing about rape and calling someone a racist are moral crimes of different character, they both embrace a fundamental cruelty and contempt for people who hold views different than their own. They dehumanize and strip their intended targets of their dignity.
In researching this story, something very disturbing arose, my Google search revealed far more postings dealing with the subject were ones that endorsed this atrocity from people who agreed with this heartless pervert’s passions. Some added more names to the list or suggest more things they’d like seen done to conservative women they revile.
The target list of the sadistic rape fantasies provide a who’s who of some accomplished and dynamic ladies in the public eye:
1-Michelle Malkin – Author, outspoken commentator, writer, and blogger. President/CEO of Hot Air, a “conservative Internet broadcast network.”
2-Megyn Kelly – News anchor and commentator, Fox news; lawyer; former reporter, WJLA, channel 7, Washington, DC.
3- Mary Katherine Ham – Journalist, columnist, and blogger for the Weekly Standard; Fox News contributor.
4-Amanda Carpenter – Author, columnist for The Washington Times; Media critic; contributor to numerous news-talk programs; “Internet Cop” on “The O’Reilly Factor.”
5-Elisabeth Hasselback – television personality; the alternative voice on ABC’s hit “woman’s issues” show, “The View.” Wife of NFL Quarterback, Tim Hasselback
6-Dana Perino – former White House Press Secretary for George W. Bush; current news commentator; public relations counselor for multinational corporation.
7-Laura Ingraham – lawyer, author, syndicated talk show host on major stations nationwide; frequent contributor to “The O’Reilly Factor”; former Supreme Court law clerk for Justice Clarence Thomas; Speech writer for Ronald Reagan; Breast cancer awareness spokeswoman
8-Pamela Gellar – founder, Atlas Shrugs.com, a conservative website, commentator, radio personality
9-Michele Bachman – United States Congresswoman, Minnesota; education reform activist
10-Peggy Noonan—Columnist for Wall Street Journal; author; former Speech Writer for Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, including work on Reagan’s speech after Space Shuttle Challenger explosion.
Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter, and Carrie Prejean ARE NOT on the list!!!!
These ladies are all independent, outspoken, bright, and decidedly conservative. Look them up on the Internet and find a tremendous clutter of sites posting hatred, sick fantasies, and pure verbal abuse of these figures. Common themes of many of their critics are efforts to degrade them in vulgar and hateful ways that have nothing to do with attempting to refute their points-of-view.
Should anyone disagree with the substance of what these ladies have to say, “Let’s get ready to rumble.” Present your views, and be ready for these ladies to respond. I’d suggest one better be prepared and have plenty of fortitude to do so. From different points-of-view, each one of them contributes a unique voice on a wide range of issues and topics.
This horrific presentation presenting rape fantasies or “hate fucks” toward these ladies should be something that must immediatelystir up harsh condemnation, and thankfully many voices including many Liberals have spoken up against one of the sickest expressions ever to elevate to such a height in a major publication. In one instance, Playboy, long seen as the soft side of the skin trade showing restraint and avoiding the kind of sadistic fantasies prevalent in publications like Penthouse, has now put itself right in the mainstream of the pure sleaze represented by Hustler, but can it be that Hustler is becoming more mainstream? God let’s hope not, but clearly the “hate fuck” concept is exactly the kind of thing that Hustler mogul, Larry Flynt, maybe the darkest, most morally corrupt figure in the entertainment industry, would gleefully publish in his trash magazine.
Some voices are conspicuously silent. Where are the prominent, so-called women’s groups? Shouldn’t the National Organization of Women be protesting in loud, clear terms that Playboy’s published “Hate Fuck” segment is absolutely out-of-bounds? To what extent have various news sources presented this story followed by appropriate commentary condemning it? The self-appointed voice for women was likewise conspicuously silent when sick rapist fantasies and other abusive smears were directed at Ms. California, Carrie Prejean, after her remarks defending traditional marriage.
This hateful situation demands action. First, if anyone still finds Playboy has anything to offer, the cultural relic it has become, it is time to boycott purchasing the magazine and cancelling subscriptions. It’s time to take on the convenience stores and other retailers who sell Playboy and ask them to remove it from their shelves reminding them that they have competitors who do not sell it. Surely, if these same vendors sell Hustler, a little more action might be required as this kind of material is routine in their sleazoid publication.
As conservatives, independent thinkers, Libertarians, Constitutionalists, and people of faith, we must condemn the objectification of women and realize that the sexual experience is an act of love between committed lovers not a commodity and surely not a weapon of anger. We see sexual expression being forced upon girls of younger ages all the time considering Britney Spears originally targeted her product at the young and preteen audience. A decade later, check out the products targeted to children that age, and draw your own conclusions.
Guy Cimbalo is the lowest form of scum our society has to offer. If there ever was such a thing that defined hate speech, his “hate-fuck” characterizations would be the ultimate example, but you don’t hear conservatives calling for “hate speech” legislation. That belongs to the left to criminalize speech on political grounds. Only “people of _______” or “___________-Americans would qualify. The hypocrisy of the mainstream media, a subsidiary of the entertainment industry is overwhelming and when left unchallenged, Guy Cimbalo’s hateful display is the logical result.
The “hate fuck” property of Playboy, represents the absolute lowest form of leftist political expression to leech into the mainstream. Megyn Kelly responds to the attack directed at her and her fellow violated sisters quite effectively, we’ll let her sum up this atrocity.
While we defend the right to free speech as part of the First Amendment, a person is responsible for the outcome of his speech. Guy Cimbalo will have hell to pay for this one. We must all work together to be sure he does not get off as similar hate mongers have in the past. As civil-minded citizens of the United States we hereby charge Guy Cimbalo with verbal assault, inciting gang rape, defamation of character, and sexual perversion.
We call for responsible retailers to stop selling Playboy and urge subscribers to cancel their subscriptions at once. Web sites and blogs that defend Cimbalo's "hate fuck" fantasy must be countered, and there must be real consequences for any media outlet that attempts to rationalize or excuse this horrible rape mentality especially if they attempt to create any kind of moral equivalency to others' behavior.
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