David Letterman’s idiotic, sick, and disgusting conduct on Monday night’s show reveals he is not a lone gunman in the filthy mindset of a typical member of the entertainment industry in 2009, but given how the audience roared in laughter to his disgusting remarks and viewing how many bloggers and columnist are either defending Letterman or scolding Palin for seeming to make a big deal out of the event and not gracefully accepting Letterman’s half-assed apology, there are thousands of others who deserve a tremendous amount of condemnation as well.
Joking about a baseball player raping someone’s daughter is not funny to begin with but it also reflects a degree of sickness that civil humans cannot tolerate. While the remark about the “slutty airline stewardess look” might be within the bounds of acceptable late night comedy, it is also a dreadfully demeaning comment toward women.
Again, where are the women’s advocacy groups on Letterman’s slur? Does anybody know how they would react if it were Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, or Bill O’Reilly saying something much milder about a Hollywood or Democrat prima-donna? The hypocrisy of NOW and such groups is obvious. For them to say they represent women is a sham. They represent a certain kind of woman with a specific agenda. The rest be damned.
Can there ever be an event on television that wakes people up from putting up with the dreadful crap on television and really let the networks and local affiliates feel the full fury of a dissatisfied public? The garbage on television that appeals to ever lower moral character gets more disturbing as the industry aims further below the belt with its intellectual content. Let’s pick Mr. Letterman as the poster child of sleaze TV.
David Letterman’s verbal abuse of Sarah Palin and her daughters is not a situation that’s going to fade away if we can help it. As if his “joke” about Palin’s fourteen year old daughter being “knocked up” by Alex Rodriguez wasn’t bad enough, in the same monologue he also quipped, "The toughest part of her visit was keeping Eliot Spitzer away from her daughter." Then in the top ten list, one list item was: (#7) “Bought makeup at Bloomingdale's to update her slutty flight attendant look,"
Take a look at this video clip. Are these not the words of an angry self-serving jackass?
Let’s get something straight, it was Sarah Palin’s 14 year old daughter, Willow, who accompanied her to the Yankee game in question. He or his writers weren’t paying attention to that were they? Further, is a joke about an 18 year old woman being raped acceptable?
The following night Letterman responded to criticism of his conduct from the night before. His remarks were steaming with sarcasm and at times pitching for laughs from his audience. There was no sign of sincerity or sorrow. If there was any emotion at all, he seemed ticked off that anyone would make a big deal about his feeble attempt at abusive humor.
Joking about a baseball player raping someone’s daughter is not funny to begin with but it also reflects a degree of sickness that civil humans cannot tolerate. While the remark about the “slutty airline stewardess look” might be within the bounds of acceptable late night comedy, it is also a dreadfully demeaning comment toward women.
Again, where are the women’s advocacy groups on Letterman’s slur? Does anybody know how they would react if it were Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, or Bill O’Reilly saying something much milder about a Hollywood or Democrat prima-donna? The hypocrisy of NOW and such groups is obvious. For them to say they represent women is a sham. They represent a certain kind of woman with a specific agenda. The rest be damned.
Can there ever be an event on television that wakes people up from putting up with the dreadful crap on television and really let the networks and local affiliates feel the full fury of a dissatisfied public? The garbage on television that appeals to ever lower moral character gets more disturbing as the industry aims further below the belt with its intellectual content. Let’s pick Mr. Letterman as the poster child of sleaze TV.
David Letterman’s verbal abuse of Sarah Palin and her daughters is not a situation that’s going to fade away if we can help it. As if his “joke” about Palin’s fourteen year old daughter being “knocked up” by Alex Rodriguez wasn’t bad enough, in the same monologue he also quipped, "The toughest part of her visit was keeping Eliot Spitzer away from her daughter." Then in the top ten list, one list item was: (#7) “Bought makeup at Bloomingdale's to update her slutty flight attendant look,"
Take a look at this video clip. Are these not the words of an angry self-serving jackass?
Let’s get something straight, it was Sarah Palin’s 14 year old daughter, Willow, who accompanied her to the Yankee game in question. He or his writers weren’t paying attention to that were they? Further, is a joke about an 18 year old woman being raped acceptable?
The following night Letterman responded to criticism of his conduct from the night before. His remarks were steaming with sarcasm and at times pitching for laughs from his audience. There was no sign of sincerity or sorrow. If there was any emotion at all, he seemed ticked off that anyone would make a big deal about his feeble attempt at abusive humor.
Letterman's explanation:
We were, as we often do, making jokes about people in the news and we made some jokes about Sarah Palin and her daughter, the 18-year-old girl, who is — her name is Bristol, that’s right, and so, then, now they’re upset with me. These are not jokes made about her 14-year-old daughter. I would never, never make jokes about raping or having sex of any description with a 14-year-old girl. I mean, look at my record. It has never happened. I don’t think it’s funny. I would never think it was funny. I wouldn’t put it in a joke…"
"… Gov. Palin, if you’re watching, I would like you to consider coming to New York City — even Todd — as my guests, or leave Todd at home. I’d love to have you on the show. It’d be exciting. All right, so there, I hope I’ve cleared part of this up. Am I guilty of poor taste? Yes. Did I suggest that it was okay for her 14-year-old daughter to be having promiscuous sex? No."
Take a look at this video clip. Are these not the words of an angry self-serving jackass?
While there will be no letting up on David Letterman, there are coconspirators in the case who deserve criticism as well. First, the audience at the Ed Sullivan Theater who boisterously laughed at his abusive comments directed at Palin and her family. Second, is the massive rally around Dave and more piling on Sarah Palin minimizing this whole event to just another night’s week for the washed up angry comic from the entertainment press and even some more substantial news outlets.
The reasoning was that Sarah Palin was in the public eye and tasteless humor goes with the territory. The jabs directed at her daughter were okay because they felt Ms. Palin thrust her daughter, Bristol in to the public eye to preach abstinence, a concept held in absolute scorn in the hedonistic permissive world of the entertainment industry. They continued their apologist stance indicating that clearly Letterman was not aware it was Palin’s 14 year old daughter, Willow in New York with her.
The Letterman episode became another excuse for another Palin Piñata party with sticks flying at the Alaskan governor’s image piling on her for directing her outrage at one of their own.
Rape and abuse of women is not joke material. Both are hateful conduct destroying the lives of thousands of American women nationwide.
David Letterman sired his child out of wedlock. Should we taunt him about knocking up the mother of his son? Should we joke about her reputation, possibly being a “slut” for having sex with a television star as if she were some kind of wild-eyed groupie?
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