Sunday, April 18, 2010

Time Out of Bound

The leftists in this country can longer claim to be advocates of tolerance for their intolerance of views contrary to their doctrine must be refuted at any cost by any means possible. While readers of Right Minded Fellow will realize, this journal has no use for Sarah Palin or Glenn Beck, we would never suggest they should be forced to be silent. They simply are not good voices articulating clear criticism of the Obama regime. Sarah Palin simply cannot advance beyond babbling bumper sticker slongans. There is no evidence of higher level intellectual thought or critical reasoning. If she were a newspaper, she'd be all headlines and no story. Glenn Beck on the other hand is a real headcase. His overstatement and misrepresentations to make a point are alarming. He's a modern day Chicken Little whose insinuations of complex and long standing conspiracies, his childish sarcasm, and insane theatrics don't serve to inform but can only act to make critics of the left look silly.

However, neither Sarah Palin nor Glenn Beck are guilty of sedition as Time's columist Joe Klein argued on a recent appearance on The Chris Matthews Show. Follow this link for his presentation:

It would be bad enough if Klein only went that far, but he also joined the parade of those many voices on the left that to criticize Obama is to be explicitly racist. The logical fallacy goes as follows. Many criticize Obama. Obama is black and his middle name "Hussein" sounds muslim. Therefore, those who critize Obama are racists.

It would be helpful if Mr. Klein would study the Constitution and familiarize himself with the 1st amendment. The Declaration of Independence would also help frame the importance of dissent in American society.

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