Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Caroline NO! (apologies to Brian Wilson!)

Maintaining the glamorous Kennedy image is not enough for Caroline now.
Sweet Caroline

Caroline Kennedy has long risen above the image many Americans have of the Kennedy clan personified by the output of Joseph Kennedy, Robert Kennedy Jr., Ted Kennedy, and his bumbling son turned congressmen. The Kennedy image is one of extreme wealth and privilege, a sense of entitlement and being above the restrictions regular Americans accept as part of their day-to-day lives in society. While many of them have adopted a wide variety of social causes, the way they present their message seems to be one of “do as I say, not as I do” hypocrisy. While Robert Kennedy Jr. attempts to compete with Al Gore as the spokesman for a clean and proper environment, he never eschews the trappings of extreme wealth traveling via private jets and being transported about in limousines and posh upscale mega-sized SUV’s. How often have baby-boomer Kennedy’s been caught engaged in extreme hedonism, decadence, and immorality always knowing they have the resources to buy their way out of trouble.

John F. Kennedy’s two children under Jacqueline’s parenting learned how to live their life of wealth responsibly not using their lineage as justification for any entitlement or privilege. They’ve been seen as clean, likeable people who generally do good work. Was there a part of the “throw caution to the wind” adventurism flying under the conditions that took John John’s life is subject to debate. His loss was truly tragic as was his father’s and two of his uncles where a couple of the pups from Ethyl’s litter certainly hastened their untimely demise.

Trying to probe the Kennedy psyche is probably a pursuit best taken with some detachment. Regardless, one can sympathize that given three of Rose Kennedy’s four sons met an untimely demise surely colors the mindset of the family in ways others will never understand. That perhaps there is a sense of “live for today for tomorrow we die” fatalism exists deserves some compassion. However, what deserves no consideration what-so-ever and is to be condemned in the clearest sense is that the Kennedy family has any special sense of entitlement or that the Kennedy name alone should in any way give any of the clan a leg up on anything. Some even talk of the Kennedys as if they are American royalty. Did we not fight a war in the late 18th century to show what our society’s use for the rites of primogeniture are?

Sure, politics is a family business. Look at the Bush family as an example and how many son’s of (_______) are serving on Capitol Hill or in state houses across the land. Names like Dodd, Bayh, Gore, and others all come to mind. Some are distinguished in their own right. Others are sickly opportunists who rode their elders’ coat tails to office.

So what of Caroline Kennedy’s quest to be appointed to serve the remainder of Hilary Clinton’s term? Were her last name Smith, Jones, or Goldstein, not to mention her married name, her desires would be immediately dismissed. Is she the best qualified person available to be appointed junior Senator? Absolutely not. Is she qualified at all? That’s where the debate stands right now. She has never paid her dues to hold political office, but in the 21st century a disturbing trend is developing where one’s experience doesn’t matter. What matters is a person’s ability to soak and manipulate the media. Look no further than Barack Obama with ZERO managerial experience and limited time in the Senate or Sarah Palin (aka “Buffy the Moose Slayer) having only limited time as governor of Alaska. That Obama was elected president and Sarah Palin stirred up a flock of faithful for the vice presidency shows how little demonstrated experience and accomplishment means today. Surely Palin’s experience is more substantial than Obama’s, but that was an issue the voters cast aside. We question, in hindsight, her intellectual gravity.

Caroline Kennedy does have an Ivy League law degree and has been involved with many foundations and causes using the Kennedy “brand” as much as possible to gain maximum clout. Never has she had to get down in the trenches and face the rigors or debate or been subjected to the rigors, hard work, and competition of a run for office. Up to this point, her name an image has been all she has ever needed to have the world bowing at her feet.

She could be a brilliant student of politics, but who’d know? She appears to have considerable integrity and has lived honorably not letting the slimy aspects of being a Kennedy color her persona. None of this reflects paying her dues to be a United States Senator.

We oppose Caroline Kennedy’s quest in the clearest terms. Leadership is supposed to be earned and elected in United States politics and not anointed. That she comes from a background of wealth and privilege and her last name is Kennedy does not entitle her to be Senator of the nation’s third largest state. That she could be appointed raises all kinds of disturbing political questions. Would such an appointment be seen as a payback for her support for Barack Obama? Patterson is New York’s first African American governor who fervently supported Barack Obama. There is no question that her support coinciding with her Uncle Teddy’s for Obama’s campaign gave the Obama effort tremendous credibility and momentum among the Democratic faithful and the loyal minions who have blindly jumped on anything supported or embraced by Rose Kennedy’s brood. It is also a puzzling appointment considering she is replacing Hilary Clinton, the rising star of the Democratic party from her adopted state of New York further enhancing the sense of rift between the Clintons’ and Kennedys’ as the big shots in the donkey party. About the only talent she has for certain is that her name and reputation translates into huge fund raising potential.

From this point forward, Caroline Kennedy will no longer enjoy the respect and reverence accorded her for her gracious manners and the dignity she has shown given her unique status in American society. All prestige is gone as she will be one of one hundred Senators, a rookie member, who will be held accountable for everything she says and every position she takes. The likelihood of her being subject to extra layers of scrutiny and questioning will be enormous. Like Hilary Clinton, whom she hopes to replace, she will be one of the most scrutinized and examined high-visibility Senators ever.

All things considered, this is a crappy way to choose a Senator. Hopefully, Governor Patterson who so far has come across as a uniquely spineless leader will resist the temptation to make the popular selection that the media is craving and chose a New Yorker best qualified for the job.

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