Friday, June 11, 2010

NAACP Forces Hallmark to Withdraw Graduation Cards over "Black Holes"

How stupid and trivial does the NAACP want to make its cause? Hallmark issued a graduation card with audio that has been on the market for three years with no complaints that the Los Angeles NAACP demanded be withdrawn for its racist content that would be offensive and demeaning to black women. The context is clearly within the realm of outer space and the reference is "black holes" the astronomical phenomenon. Nevertheless, intolerance has no limits and the intolerance of identity politics will stop at nothing to stir up a fuss and further extend the insanity of political correctness even further. What next, cleanse the reruns of various Star Trek series that might make mention of "black holes?" Shall we look into the works of Carl Sagan and have his works pulled from libraries?

There is no excuse for this kind of censorship by intimidation. It's time that companies like Hallmark standup to the NAACP and stop falling for their latest intimidation ploy. When the concept of "racism" is so arbitrarily applied, it cheapens the concept and diverts attention from there is real racism such as that shown by our political system which runs public school systems that write off black male students whose achievement continues to lag behind other populations.

Where's the NAACP's outrage about public education? Why don't they take on the teacher's unions?

A little critical thinking just might yield the answer to that. Can we all say, "hidden agenda!" boys and girls. Just as the NAACP doesn't really do much good for real black people neither the NEA nor AFT do much for advancing the credibility of the teaching profession. They are both left-wing advocacy groups whose radical left political agenda and obsession with political correctness reigns supreme.

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