Friendly little guys like this beagle were
ripped apart as bait dogs by Michael Vick
to develop the killer instincts of his fighting
For those who were hurt and disgusted by the horrible actions of Michael Vick, we need to speak up about a horrible situation promoted by his current football team, the Philadelphia Eagles.
The Eagles selected Michael Vick as their choice for this year’s Ed Bloch Courage Award. We first made our feelings known about this on December 24th, and many have become aware of this outrage.
Let’s clarify something; the Ed Bloch Foundation is not responsible for this outrage. In creating the awards, they specified that honorees should be selected by each NFL team. The fund’s mission is to raise funds to help abused and neglected children since its inception through the Baltimore Colts in 1978. Each team’s nominee is supposed to one recognized by the team’s players who has exemplified the highest standards of community service. A look at the list of award winners features players well known and some lesser known figures who’ve done their part to help their community especially working with children.
We repeat again, what an insult it is to this heritage that Michael Vick would be so awarded. Sure Mr. Vick is spending much time on community service. He had no choice. The terms and conditions of his return and continuance in the NFL required it. That he is doing that which he was compelled to do deserves no award. He still is having trouble accepting his sinful conduct only saying, “What I let happen to those animals….”
That passive acceptance as if he were a detached observer who perhaps should have called 9-11 fails to take personal responsibility for anything!
Are we too blind to see what’s going on here?
For everyone who’s ever felt the warmth of a cold nose, the joys of a wagging tail, and all the joys dogs bring to their human companions, we are horribly outraged that the Philadelphia Eagles would dirty such a noble award the way they have.
We encourage that concerned groups organize demonstrations to take place around the venue of this year’s awards to be held on Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at Martins West. The reception begins at 5:30 pm. Demonstrations should be directed at Michael Vick and his conduct addressing the issue of animal abuse AND NOT AT THE ED BLOCH FOUNDATION. Some support of the Foundation’s mission should likewise be encouraged. Those interested should make their plans clear to Philadelphia news media. Just 100 miles from Baltimore, this issue should gain media exposure there as well.
As we become aware of activities on potential events, we will publicize those who appear to be acting responsibly. We will also criticize any that misdirect their rage at the Ed Bloch Foundation who deserves tremendous respect and support.
The Eagles selected Michael Vick as their choice for this year’s Ed Bloch Courage Award. We first made our feelings known about this on December 24th, and many have become aware of this outrage.
Let’s clarify something; the Ed Bloch Foundation is not responsible for this outrage. In creating the awards, they specified that honorees should be selected by each NFL team. The fund’s mission is to raise funds to help abused and neglected children since its inception through the Baltimore Colts in 1978. Each team’s nominee is supposed to one recognized by the team’s players who has exemplified the highest standards of community service. A look at the list of award winners features players well known and some lesser known figures who’ve done their part to help their community especially working with children.
We repeat again, what an insult it is to this heritage that Michael Vick would be so awarded. Sure Mr. Vick is spending much time on community service. He had no choice. The terms and conditions of his return and continuance in the NFL required it. That he is doing that which he was compelled to do deserves no award. He still is having trouble accepting his sinful conduct only saying, “What I let happen to those animals….”
That passive acceptance as if he were a detached observer who perhaps should have called 9-11 fails to take personal responsibility for anything!
Are we too blind to see what’s going on here?
For everyone who’s ever felt the warmth of a cold nose, the joys of a wagging tail, and all the joys dogs bring to their human companions, we are horribly outraged that the Philadelphia Eagles would dirty such a noble award the way they have.
We encourage that concerned groups organize demonstrations to take place around the venue of this year’s awards to be held on Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at Martins West. The reception begins at 5:30 pm. Demonstrations should be directed at Michael Vick and his conduct addressing the issue of animal abuse AND NOT AT THE ED BLOCH FOUNDATION. Some support of the Foundation’s mission should likewise be encouraged. Those interested should make their plans clear to Philadelphia news media. Just 100 miles from Baltimore, this issue should gain media exposure there as well.
As we become aware of activities on potential events, we will publicize those who appear to be acting responsibly. We will also criticize any that misdirect their rage at the Ed Bloch Foundation who deserves tremendous respect and support.
I agree 100%. Check out: Michael Vick: Convicted Felon, Dog Killer and Ed Block Courage Award Winner
I think it's very important that folks direct their outrage at the Philadelphia Eagles and Michael Vick NOT THE ED BLOCH FOUNDATION. In creating their bylaws, they established that awards would be determined by each team voting in its recepient thinking teams would take the reward in the spirit it is intended and vote an appropriate subject.
The Foundation works on the voluteer efforts of many whose time is devoted to their helping causes.
The best reaction is what we're doing right now, raising awareness. A lively but civil demonstration outside Martin's West would also be appropriate, but we implore organizers not to take it out on the Foundation but the criminal himself.
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