Wednesday, January 21, 2009


The Idiot Left Doing What It Does Best

Here's to every last worthless idiot who booed and taunted President Bush, mocked and laughed at Vice Present Chaney, and every showed disrespect for two fine American ladies, Laura Bush and Lynne Chaney. There is no excuse for their disrespect, contempt, and lack of civility. The ceremony itself should be above political theater. It's a part of what makes our crazy civilization work. That anyone would think chanting, "Na-na-na-na, Na-na-na-na, hey-hey-hey, GOODBYE" is an acceptable public expression toward an outgoing President during his successors' inauguration shows just how low the moral fabric and sense of what our democracy is all about.

Agree or disagree with them politically, that's fair, but to taunt and mock anybody in public is the behavior of moronic savages. An inauguration is not a sporting event, "American Idol," or a pro-wrestling match. We should endeavor to treat others the way we would want to be treated. Surely this is the way both the Bush's and Chaney's conducted themselves.

Almost as disturbing, while this hooligan idiotic behavior was taking place, why weren't other members of the audience seen trying to "shush" these loathsome idiots?

That our country has become so tolerant of misbehavior and is so quick to look the other way in the presence of antisocial behavior as we watched in horror as an elderly man was struck by a speeding motorist in broad daylight with plenty of onlookers who continued to just go about their business in New Jersey last summer.

In a broader context, we are all swimming in the cesspool of moronic conduct we have helped create if by no other means than our passive consent.

Damn these petty fools. May they pray that others treat them with more respect than they've shown four fine Americans who have given their service to help make our lives better. Never has there been so much emphasis on helping deal with the AIDS crisis in Africa, as just one for instance. Laura Bush's contributions are many, but she seeks and gets little recognition for it. Lynne Chaney is a tremendous advocate of education and teaching American history. Again, she approaches it in a very low key fashion.

What kind of society is ours in 2009 anyway?

Watch this video clip and think how nice it would be to spray these assholes with some really powerful mace and pepper spray. The scum.

Free speech has its limits and while perhaps these damned fools are free to express themselves in all appropriate public venues, interupting and acting disrespectfully during a solemn cermony that is the essence of the workings of our Democracy is way over the line. They are partners with those jerks from the Westboro Baptist Church, perhaps the lowest scum of those who protest with no sense of propriety, who taunt and ridicule grieving families of fallen soldiers with their "God hates fags" fascism. While perhaps such fools should not be arrested, they should at least be removed from the event. There's a fine line between open public expression such as a demonstration and behavior that is clearly illegal like the Code Pink knuckleheads who work their way into hearings and speeches on Capitol Hill and engage in their silly thoughless petty rituals. This is part of the same thug intolerant mentality on many college campuses where speakers whose views offend the leftist orthodoxy are harassed, assaulted, and bullied ultimately often being denied their opportunity for their free expression. Hello Columbia University! Even Hilary Clinton got a taste of such during her campaign for President. Denying others their opportunity to speak by yelling, screaming, and disrupting is not an expression of free speech. It is the behavior of absolute morons.

Anyone who participated in this nonsense is an idiot, a pathetic ignorant fool, or both. Given many of them are no doubt a product of modern American public education should be no surprise where American history and civics has been reduced to the tales of America the wicked and tales of the government system as a place to gain entitlements and to hit the jackpot if one has a grievance that can be resolved by litigation.

Protest works when it raises consciousness. When it just serves to show how pissed off some folks are with their grievances usually accomplishes little more than giving juicy fodder for their opponents.

While we are distressed by the outrageous behavior of some and condemn their lack of common decency, we also recognize that there are many forms of public expression we find hard to tolerate, but the alternative, silencing them, is far worse.

Here are the limits:

1-Protesters do not have the right to interupt meetings and shout down speakers. It is not exercising free speech to invade others excercising their right to assembly and their free speech. Surrounding the event with pickets and having counter presentations is acceptable. The actions of those from Code Pink who have interupted meetings and addresses on Capitol Hill can not be tolerated nor can those who disrupt planned events such as speaking engagements on college campuses.

2-Disrupting funerals and taunting families of fallen soldiers While some lawyers can argue they are practicing their first amendment rights regarding free expression of their religious beliefs and free speech, there are times that simple common sense trumps technicalities.

3-Attempts to intimidate or coerce others for their political or religious beliefs or because of their own political or relgious beliefs is not acceptable.

4-People have the right to be secure in their persons and this includes not being taunted by others in inappropriate ways.

Surely some levels of protest today is a far cry from how Martin Luther King and the vast majority of anti-Vietnam war activists conducted themselves. There was a lunatic fringe back then too, but it seems like today they are tolerated or even saluted by the infotainment world.

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