Richard Blumenthal is a common liar. There is no way in hell a person could accidentally say he served in Vietnam or overseas when he didn’t. There is no spinning this. Blumenthal, the Democratic Candidate to succeed Chris Dodd in the US Senate from Connecticut, has been caught in a bold face lie, not just once but on repeated occasions.
How stupid does this sleazy politician think the public is? Apparently pretty dumb.
Among his excuses: "At times when I have sought to honor veterans, I have not been as clear or precise as I should have been about my service in the Marine Corps Reserves."
He further had the audacity to say his statement was “unintentional.” How can someone not intend to say: “I served during the Vietnam era. I remember the taunts, the insults, sometimes even physical abuse.”?
It’s very disturbing to think politicians think the public is gullible enough to think that what he said was simply a slip of the tongue. Slips of the tongue don’t sound like that. We’ve heard the occasional stumble, malapropism, or embarrassing mispronunciation. Mr. Blumenthal’s “misstatement” was none of these.
What it clearly was represented a calculated attempt to curry favor with veterans in his state to get them behind his election bid. Make no mistake about it as he would attempt to convince us his lie was just a mistake. It’s not. He’ll have to deal with it.
The public has the final say on this. If the voters of Connecticut knowingly elect someone who would so obviously lie about a substantial aspect of his personal record, how can they possibly expect any better in how he would conduct himself as a senator?
This kind of dishonesty reflects directly on a person’s character or lack of. Part of the tidal wave on anti-incumbent fervor sweeping the United States is aimed directly against the dishonesty and fraud that has become “situation normal” in Washington, DC. The American people must take the responsibility to send these weasels a clear message. Fundamental honesty is expected as a prerequisite to serve in elected office, period.
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