More concern shown this thug than the thousands he plot to kill.
Just how bad can it get?
If anyone who truly understands American history, the Constitution, and just good old common sense doesn’t realize Barack Obama is the most dangerous President the United States has ever elected, his decision to have Sheik Mohammed, the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks tried in civilian court in New York City, a court room in the shadows of where the World Trade Center towers once stood, is a dreadful capitulation putting politics and political correctness ahead of justice.
At the heart of the matter is failure to recognize the profound difference between how justice operates in civilian society versus a state of war up against enemy combatants. The Constitution is designed to protect the rights of American citizens not enemies sworn to destroy us.
The rules of evidence, the protection and presumption of innocence, and many other legal safeguards take on different character when functioning under the rules of warfare.
Given the financial resources available, Sheik Mohammed will be able to hire legal defense that will have the means to make the terrorist leaders’ trial a media showcase where our society will be put on trial for all the conventional grievances radicals who hate us trump up when given the opportunity and the victims themselves will be taunted and insulted. The Islamic terrorist movement will seize every opportunity to use the trial in the worldwide media particularly in the Islamic world to create stark images of “the great Satan” through Al Jazeera. The radical left and its apologists in the more extreme elements of the conventional media will likewise use the trial to push an ACLU agenda making the victims of 9/11 the criminals and the terrorists victims of the American system.
The stress put on the prosecutors, those charged with securing the court facility, 9/11 survivors, victims’ families, servicemen who’ve fought in the war on terror, and stake holders in the American justice system functioning as it should and not being politicized to fulfill a warped left wing agenda will be enormous. Anything short of the death penalty for Sheik Mohammed will be unacceptable, but given the kind of spectacle his supporters will be able to make of his trial, the ability to make him a martyr to the most impressionable followers of Islam will be absolutely out of bounds.
Regardless of what tough rhetoric President Obama uses to try to denounce Sheik Mohammed’s treachery, he has done the world of radical Islam the greatest favor imaginable except from setting this terrorist free without trial. The specter of some technicality turning loose these enemies to a civilized world is a real possibility that would further attack the very foundation of American security and justice.
All peace loving Americans who believe in the rule of law and the security of our homeland must condemn President Obama and do everything possible to discredit this radical administration rendering them as ineffective as possible to execute the awesome powers of the Presidency.
Nothing is more painful than hearing a 9/11 widow express her shock, hurt, and anger over Obama’s disgraceful and anti-American decision. It’s for people like her we find the power to sustain our motivation to show the Obama administration for what it is, a radical, anti-American, corrupt and incompetent regime that is not looking out for our best interests on virtually all levels of Presidential power.
If anyone who truly understands American history, the Constitution, and just good old common sense doesn’t realize Barack Obama is the most dangerous President the United States has ever elected, his decision to have Sheik Mohammed, the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks tried in civilian court in New York City, a court room in the shadows of where the World Trade Center towers once stood, is a dreadful capitulation putting politics and political correctness ahead of justice.
At the heart of the matter is failure to recognize the profound difference between how justice operates in civilian society versus a state of war up against enemy combatants. The Constitution is designed to protect the rights of American citizens not enemies sworn to destroy us.
The rules of evidence, the protection and presumption of innocence, and many other legal safeguards take on different character when functioning under the rules of warfare.
Given the financial resources available, Sheik Mohammed will be able to hire legal defense that will have the means to make the terrorist leaders’ trial a media showcase where our society will be put on trial for all the conventional grievances radicals who hate us trump up when given the opportunity and the victims themselves will be taunted and insulted. The Islamic terrorist movement will seize every opportunity to use the trial in the worldwide media particularly in the Islamic world to create stark images of “the great Satan” through Al Jazeera. The radical left and its apologists in the more extreme elements of the conventional media will likewise use the trial to push an ACLU agenda making the victims of 9/11 the criminals and the terrorists victims of the American system.
The stress put on the prosecutors, those charged with securing the court facility, 9/11 survivors, victims’ families, servicemen who’ve fought in the war on terror, and stake holders in the American justice system functioning as it should and not being politicized to fulfill a warped left wing agenda will be enormous. Anything short of the death penalty for Sheik Mohammed will be unacceptable, but given the kind of spectacle his supporters will be able to make of his trial, the ability to make him a martyr to the most impressionable followers of Islam will be absolutely out of bounds.
Regardless of what tough rhetoric President Obama uses to try to denounce Sheik Mohammed’s treachery, he has done the world of radical Islam the greatest favor imaginable except from setting this terrorist free without trial. The specter of some technicality turning loose these enemies to a civilized world is a real possibility that would further attack the very foundation of American security and justice.
All peace loving Americans who believe in the rule of law and the security of our homeland must condemn President Obama and do everything possible to discredit this radical administration rendering them as ineffective as possible to execute the awesome powers of the Presidency.
Nothing is more painful than hearing a 9/11 widow express her shock, hurt, and anger over Obama’s disgraceful and anti-American decision. It’s for people like her we find the power to sustain our motivation to show the Obama administration for what it is, a radical, anti-American, corrupt and incompetent regime that is not looking out for our best interests on virtually all levels of Presidential power.
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