Wednesday, February 4, 2009

16 Year Old Boy Undergoes Sex Change Surgery: MORAL OUTRAGE II

Hopefully NOT Coming to America, but...

Read it and weep (or more likely throw your hands up in despair!),2933,487807,00.html

What in the hell is this world coming to? We question that sex change surgery is responsible medicine in any circumstances but for someone sixteen years old? At sixteen years old, a person is still forging his or her sexual identify regardless of how powerful one feels about his or her sexual desires at the time – the hormones run wild at that age as are all kinds of identity and personality issues.

We can’t chose our parents nor can we truly chose our gender. People now have the surgical option available to undergo severe mutilation to take on the physical characteristics of the opposite sex and can “feel” more like one of that gender through massive hormone treatment.

Perhaps the most disturbing aspect in this article is noting that this child began hormone treatment at the age of twelve, yes twelve!!! For most, that’s just the beginning of puberty, and adults could play enabler to some child’s sense of confused gender identity at that age?

While we consider “gender reassignment” a grotesque perverted practice, it is one thing if it is the decision of a mature adult, say someone is his/her/its 30’s, but to pursue this with a child is sick, immoral, and disgusting.

Yes, America, it’s time to start talking of immorality again. There really is such a thing and its running wild in modern secular society.

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